Weiwei Duan

PhD candidate in Computer Science and Spatial Sciences
University of Southern California
Email address: weiweidu@usc.edu


I am a Ph.D. candidate in Computer Science in University of Southern Californa (USC) advised by Prof. Yao-Yi Chiang and
Craig Knoblock , expected to gradudate in December 2022. I studied in USC for master degree from 2014 to 2016 and Anhui University for bachelor degree from 2010 to 2014.

My expertise are in Computer Vision, Deep Learning, Geospatial Information Sciences, Spatial Database, and Data Integration.
The research project that I am working on is geospatial object detection in satellite imagery and topographic map images. It its a challenging task to detect accuate geospatial objects' locations due to limited labeled data and the ambugious visual appearances between
desired and other geospatial objects.

I built a Transformer-based graph detector to accurately extract polylines in topographic map images. The detection model won the first place in the DARPA competition 2022 , and outperformed the second place by 184%.